Saturday, January 21, 2012

30 before 30 complete list

Ok I have been working on making a 30 before 30 list. I had trouble of breaking them down enough to get 30. Here is what I came up with.

1. Finish another Marathon Training Plan with no injuries.
2. Complete the marathon (it is the weekend afterwards so I will be in the new age group then)
3. Continue to go to the gym 2-3 times a week.
4. Drink at least 1-2 nalgene bottles a day.
5. Continue to cross train weekly (zumba, bike, elliptical)
6. Complete at least 2 half marathons
7. Ride my bike 3 times a week from May-September
8. Purchase pepper spray or something else to carry with me on runs I do alone.
9. Drink more smoothies with protein powder. I already have the powder but just stopped using it when I was not running.
10. Make more HEALTHY MEALS that will give me more energy for long runs. Bri will prob not like this because he likes his frozen pizza (I do to), mac and cheese from a box, and very unhealthy pastas.

11. Read at least one adult book a month ( I am hooked on Juvenile books..can't help it I am a reading teacher who connects to what her kids read!)
12. Save more money! I want to start putting more money in the savings now that I don't have a car loan to pay.
13. Make double payments at least 3times on my school loans.
14. Complete one crafty thing! I have a few things that I got stuff for but never finished!
15. DATE NIGHT! B and I stink at this. He likes go with the flow and I like to plan. Hoping maybe we can try to set some time aside that isn't in front of the TV eating dinner.
16. Family time. My family is 2hours away and I sometimes use the excuse it is far away. Due to my seizure this fall I went up there less. I want to make there once a month!
17. Get fertilizer on the garden ASAP so I can actually have a garden this summer
18. Get outside more this summer! (refer back to the biking  and garden goal)
19. Organize kitchen cupboards (we have limited space so I pack it all in as best I can)
20. Find new places to run, trails!

Ten more:
21. Do not purchase anymore shoes for 6months (see number 12)
22. Do not purchase anymore running clothes for 6months (see number12)
23. Purchase veggies and fruits at the store weekly.
24. Do not eat out unless with family or friends. Do not buy breakfast or lunch alone.
25. Complete a whole Jillian Micheal's workout dvd
26. Send a gift to someone once a month as a surprise
27. Donate money to a cause!
28. Attend a blogger meet up!
29. Lose 5 pounds
30. Get my abs back.

OK there we go. I hope I complete most or all of those before September 16th!! I want to arrange them in categories so I can see them better too. I plan on printing them out so I am reminded of them daily as I make choices throughout my day.  I have not signed up for any of the races yet but I will let you know soon which I will be training for when they are posted!! I am hoping to show somethings when I complete them too!!


Erik Ammon said...

That is an awesome list!!

Christy @ My Dirt Road Anthem: A Runner's Blog said...

Love the list. I need to be so much better about cross training and date night too.

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great and realistic list! I cant wait to hear more as you go along!