Welcome to the family....um...no name decided upon yet.....but she is here!
Yes that has kind of taken up our evening! She is cute and we have thrown a lot of names around but just can't find the perfect one yet. Idea's any one??
Now to the race recap: 5miler (my gps and dud's gps came out at 5.31miles) 43:35
It was a tough course and it really challenged me! Which I loved a lot lot lot! We started off in the woods of a local Game Lands. We have fished there a few times so I knew a least the one pond area as we ran around it at the start. Every turn and path was well mark with nice bright orange tape and wooden signs with arrows! I started off with a 7:35 first mile and felt great. I could see one women ahead of me. I knew that another women who always beats me was somewhere behind me. I hit mile two but my GPS blinked out so I don't have a time for it....(yes I am looking for a new garmin). Around 2.5 we were in mainly woods and shade and it was flat. The other woman caught up to me and we giggled as she passed because I turned and felt her coming so I told her just get it over with and pass! I tried to stay as close as possible with her but didn't want to burn out pushing to stay with her. I could still see her and the other women the whole time. They were passing each other a million times. Good thing because at mile 4 the hills came! Oh who ever thought to put a quarter mile long hill in the last .5mile of a 5mile trail run was nuts! But I got up it and got to the straight stretch before the finish. An older gentlemen caught up to me and yelled at me to kick it in so I did! I was so happy to have him yell at me. When I came through the finish they told me I was the 3rd female to finish! I was shocked because I thought they took off and were way ahead of me!! But come to find out it was the two women I could see the whole time. They finished less then 40secs ahead of me.
I love trail runs and now that I know the course I think I can tackle it better next year! I am happy with my time for a trail run. Now the debate is....LR tomorrow or Monday? Play with the newbie kitten or LR?? LOL!!
Happy weekend everybody!
ahhhhhhhh!!! that kitten is seriously too adorable!!! way to go on the trail race! it sounds like you did AWESOME!!!!!!! I say play with the kitten, cherish your awesome race today and then LR on Monday :)
Adorable kitten! I'm so ready for another little kitten--this post is not helping, haha! I vote the same as Julia---play with your new little baby on Sunday, rest your legs after the trail race, and then long run on Monday instead!
I'm skipping the long run today and moving it till Monday. My ankles and feet are still sore - even more so after hiking around in knee high swamp boots until 1:30am.
WOW! Everyone is running trail races. I need to get with the program. Congrats on a great race! 3rd place is AWESOME!! Woo HOO! You go girl!!
I say relax and enjoy that sweet kitty. You always have your LR's, but the little its bitty kitty will grow up very soon!! HA!
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