Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Workout yesterday 3.32miles 27mins 8:08 pace. I feel like I have lost some speed and I am trying to get to the bottom of it. Is it what I am eating/drinking?? Is it mental....easily could be. Or have I just lost some muscle that quickly? We have a race coming up and I have never run it before so I don't know if it is flat or hills? Based on the town it is in I am guessing flat. Which I would rather prefer hills because I can change gears better with hills. I get all in my head with flat courses and can't get my turn over to TURN OVER! But I have been really pushing flat routes this past week so hopefully it pays off. Schedule for today......the final PSSA exam. Then back into the swing of things. Hopefully my ring that broke is in and I can go pick it up. Due to the rain rain rain I will be doing Zumba at home where I will not be getting soaked. Have a great day everyone!! :)

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