This skirt looks like this
Now I love me some running skirts and all the ones I have are from Target which are cute. One is Purple and pink very girly. But nothing beats ruffles!!! I wanted this skirt so bad but walked out without it. (I've got my eye on you missy!") I might be hitting up my folks for a gift card for my Bday pre marathon!
Ok how many of you own skirts from Lululemon or Athleta? Which ones do you have?
I LOVE Lululemon!! I don't own anything form Athleta but I do have 2 lulu skirts and one jacket. It is pricey but both my skirts look brand new and I bought one 2 years ago and the other last year. It seems to be I buy one a year cause of the price so I guess I'm overdue for the one this year :)
New commenter, here, just found your blog!
I've only got *one* thing from Lululemon, a pair of running pants, but they are awesome! They are super thick and keep me warm even when the temps are in the teens. They were my reward after my last half marathon... so there ya go!
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