....I got 22mins! 22:49 to be exact:) Let's back it up a bit.
Today Heather, Amanda and I ran a local race here that we always do. It is the Run4Kids that raises money for the area charities such as Big Brother Big Sister, the YMCA and other children services. I have not always enjoyed this race because I work all day then the race starts at 6:30pm. I never can figure out what to eat and when to eat. This week has been so crazy and I have crashed everyday after work. Let's say naps are part of my schedule now that Heather texted me to make sure I was on my way and not napping. So today I hit up Subway and drank as much as I could.
The weather is always rough for this race because it is all open and it is always HOT HOT HOT. But the running god's brought me some rain this evening (ALOT of RAIN). Have I ever mentioned I love running in rain? Well yes I was the kid who loved muddy rainy XC races! So I had a huge smile on my face at the line!
I told Heather I wanted to stay on her heals for this race so I paced myself better. Well.......that didn't happen. I felt great and really felt like I was pacing myself great! I knew I had to hold back the first mile if I wanted to have something for the long straight stretch heading back.
I am so happy to see a reverse of splits that I have been running. I have been doing 7:18 in the first mile and the 7:40s in the last mile. I think my head is getting back in the game. The break from my garmin has really helped. I turned the corner at 1.5 and was saying to myself ok now it is time to pass people. I passed a total of 13 people right up to the final kick of the race! I got 6 women within that!!
Results: 22:49 ( PR for at least the last 3 years!)
2nd in my AG
I also won a door prize for 2 free movie tickets and a free popcorn SWEET!
Amanda and Heather did an awesome job and I am glad we toughed out the rain and did this race :)
Do you like warm and dry or cool and rainy races?