Friday, April 15, 2011

Rough start but TGIF

Well last night I planned to do a few different things but never got to any of them. I did not go to Zumba because it was 70 degrees outside and I just couldn't see working out in a gym with it so nice out. So I headed home with the plan to just do the driveway a few times (.21 uphill). Though, when i walked up to the house Bri was holding the dining room window and there was a lovely hole in the wall. So I stood there and took it in for a few minutes knowing as much as I would love to ignore it and go put running clothes on I had to help. So this is what we ended up doing instead. Bri needed my car bc of its bubble behind and get boards from Lowes. So we headed there, ended up ordering an awesome storm door for the living room (YEA to having air in it this summer!!) then bought the 2x6's. The rest of the night was a race against the sunset. We worked to get the window reframed out, put it back in, then put the molding all back on. It was a lot of work for Bri bc I couldn't help lift the window, I just held it in place as he scrambled to get it all done. He did not eat dinner until 9pm, and I made him two fully loaded ham and turkey sandwiches. It is all I made bc it was easy to have mine earlier and his later. So I did not get Ripped by JM in or Zumba or any type of run. But I was happy to help Bri check something else off his list. I will hopefully get a run in with the family this afternoon. It is supposed to be another nice day. We are getting ready for a 5k tomorrow that is going to be RAIN RAIN RAIN! I love racing in the rain not training in the rain. Well lets get this Friday started!

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